Fun Memories

This little tree frog was sitting in my flower pot and I picked him up and set him on a rock for a photo. I wondered why he was holding his hand strangely.....I thought it might be deformed, but when I uploaded my photos I saw that he was grasping a bit of something. Now I wonder what he was holding so tightly. My fun memories about these little tree frogs was my grandson would capture one or two every time he came over; he would make a nice little habitat for them and play with them, he would gently release them when it was time for him to go home. He would watch carefully to make sure they got to a safe place before he would leave. This was when he was between the ages of about 3 and 8 years old.......he is now 17 years old...... he still looks around and casually says something about one of his buddies still being around on our deck if he sees one. I suspect he would pick one up if no one would make fun of his love of his little froggies. Funny memories with lots of laughs. So for the theme, Memories, I submit this for Mono Monday.

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