MonoMonday - Memorable

Struggled with this week's theme. I was going to Blip a pathway then I thought of a wall, but it was busy when I got there and didn't feel like stopping. So something in the house will just have to do :-(

Digestive Mug - don't how many biscuits we ate between us to collect the vouchers for it and the Rich Tea. Sure there was a chocolate one too.

Acorn Mug - Computer's

Dog - Gift from Dad to my brother now MT's when over for tea.

Truck - Using someone's else's rough drawing and me converting the drawing to a mug design for Robert Wiseman Dairies.

Rich Tea - BIke's - it had been dropped and the handle had been broken so it was 'allowed' to go out to the garden and be covered in oil / grease / mud whilst bike was being repaired.

Tray - I bought for my brother to carry his pot of tea, mug and biscuits upstairs after a hard day at skool.

Stool - It was made at skool.

Kitchen cupboards in the background. I remember when my brother was doing the kitchen units, I was working night-shift at Ingliston at a rave. Part of the night was played live over the local radio station, I put a request via Tom Wilson to play tune as the kitchen building continued.

Mixed memories  :-)  ;-(

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