
By FarmerGirl

Number 100

Today I post my 100th continuous blip, so what better way to celebrate this is to have Cow 100 as my blip photo.

Cow 100 is my son T pet cow. Her name is Sandy, not that she is aware that she has a name - or even responds to her name!

Today is wet, and muddy, and because of this makes our job so much more harder - moving electric fences, feeding out hay and silage, and getting out cows and calves. It is lunch time, and we haven't even milked yet! Today is the day that we separate the calves from their mums - yes I know, a very sad day for the mums, but we have too many cows and calves now, and this makes milking a marathon effort.

I have really enjoyed my past 100 days on blip. I really have to thank Kiwilizzie and TeeJay for introducing me to photography and blip, and for all the help they have giving me when I have had a few 'issues' or need help with settings on my camera. Photography is now my new hobby, and it is something that all my family have become involved in - from looking for subjects to photograph to helping me decide what picture (out of many that I have taken that day) to post on blip for the day.

I have made numerous blip friends in New Zealand, GingerNan and her wee dog Elsa, A cycling granny (who should be on commission by Tourism NZ), flying, Quigs whom TeeJay, Kiwilizzie & I have introduced to waterfall photography, Mario and Raine from South Canterbury just to name a few.

Then there are my international blip friends, Hilarys View who from Switzerland named our first bull calf to be born this month, Dr Pippalot and her interesting adventures from Kathmandu, Padstowbabe - the vet - we exchange information and pictures of different breeds of cows, Tig1447 who tells me about their big bull Lucky Jim, Cowgirl for her wonderful blips while visiting Lou and James dairy farm, GadgetKid for telling us about her life in Dubai, Alberta for her adventures in different countries she visits, Mrs A from Arkensiel Photography and her husband Mr Gumpy Old Git, Edisteve in Scotland, and Giacomo in USA, whose words of wisdom I enjoy reading every day. It is impossible to name everyone, but these are some of the blippers I have been blipping with since I started my adventure on the 1st May.

I have even introduced my husband's relation who lives in South Africa to blip (Schoenies) and what a great way to keep in touch with family who live overseas.

I appreciate everyone's comments, stars and hearts that have been given to me - blipfoto is certainly a great way to experience life without leaving home.

So, I will continue my journey on blip, and hope you enjoy my journals - which are mostly an insight to life on a Dairy farm.

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