Positive Proof

By Continent8

A Photograph

I thought of this 1991 photograph when I saw petitfrère's entry for August 4. This interesting Art Nouveau building stood where the hideous faux-Greek shopping mall now stands, an example of postmodern architecture that arguably should never have been built.

I have a vague recollection of going to a rather wild party in this hall, back in the Summer of 1990: I was a student and was living just across the river from here. The picture is from early 1991, and I kept the print for sentimental reasons, because the photograph was taken with the first roll of film with my first camera, a Nikon F-601 that I bought with my first ever wages.

The building in the picture was demolished shortly after this was taken, along with the rest of the city block. If I remember well, the developer considered reusing the steel beams of the old building in the new mall - not sure if they did, but it would have been adding insult to injury.

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