
By LeeAnne

Day 2...

I woke up this morning to an envelope with a card that said:

9.00 - Early get up as we have an early show! Oh and a VERY busy day! Hope for sunshine...

Early start this morning... up at 8.30 and showered and ready and out the house by 9.45! Go us!

10.45 - The Velveteen Rabbit - Children's Theatre

This was a really cute little piece of theatre. I didn't know the story and we had a bit of a panic that we'd be cutting it fine to get to our Tour at 12.00 when the halls of the Art College were packed out with buggies and five year olds. I'm quite glad we had our wine for breakfast yesterday and had no hangover! The puppets could have been better but all in all it wasn't a bad show... I'm sure it's great especially if you are five years old. Oh... and parents, stop feeding your children rubbish! E numbers are not good.

12.00 - Royal Mile Historical Tour - Walking Tour

This was really interesting. I like that I can still learn things about our city. We had Cindy the tour guide all to ourselves which was brilliant. We explained that we had another show in The Pleasance at 13.45 so had to be finished pretty sharp and she was super efficient, assisted by the fact that she only had Gem and I asking questions along the way. We have discount vouchers for the haunted tour that takes you under the city so that's being added to the list!

13.45 - The Two Worlds of Charlie F - Theatre

If you only see one thing in the festival then it should be this. We were accosted on Sunday night after Vive le Cabaret by a couple of lads from the cast. Had we not been charmed by their humour and cheek then we'd never have gone. The flyer doesn't do the show any justice, the standing ovation at the end did. It's informative and it's real and it shows the reality of life after the army for our boys who are fighting for our country. I can't really say how moving it was, how inspired and humbled it made me feel. I cried through a lot of it, I wasn't alone. These are real people, who have lived through their injuries and come out the other side fighting. Go and see it.

15.05 - The School of Night - Theatre

Fortunately the show above ran on and we missed the first 20 minutes of this show. I sort of wish we hadn't bothered. To go into a theatre show late was a dubious choice I felt, you've missed what would presumably be the plot and then really have to try hard to catch up. Alas I think I'd have been lost from the beginning given that I know nothing about Shakespeare. I've never read nor seen anything by William Shakespeare and I don't mind admitting that I don't believe my life is poorer for it. I now have seen 40 minutes of jumbled mixture of different plays, all rolled into one, none of which I had any idea about. I turned to Gem, being that she's the Shakespeare buff to ask what exactly it was about and she had no idea either! At this point the giggles started, for all the wrong reasons! At least the Dr Who show yesterday was funny. This was five grown men, lording it round a seriously small room in ridiculous clothes talking utter shite. I am a philistine. This is absolutely to be! We later heard of a show called "Shitfaced Shakespeare' this sounds much more like my sort of culture! Apparently one cast member gets trollied and the rest have to carry him through the show. Got to be funnier/more entertaining than the 40 minutes of wank we watched earlier!

17.00 - Britain's Got F*ck All Talent - Comedy

We legged it back up to the centre of town to The Shack for a show that pretty much says it all in the title. A bottle of wine improved it drastically only now I can't decide if it was funny by the end or whether we were just rapidly pissed again. Not much else to say other than the host had really quite an irritating laugh that I'm not convinced wasn't put on to make the 'talent' sound funnier than it actually was. Still... it wasn't Shakespeare... silver lining and all that!

19.30 - DeAnne Smith: Livin' The Sweet Life - Comedy

We'd bumped into DeAnne in Bristo Square yesterday so stopped to say hello. Tonight we went to her show. There was a lot of chat about death, vulva's and A&E, not necessarily together but we laughed a lot. I like her. She's quirky and reminds me a little of my friend Jas. I suspect cause she's Canadian and a bit of a thinker but I'm pretty sure she's the kinda girl you could have a giggle with over a beer whilst discussing the ins and outs of having your bits waxed. Worth a watch for sure.

23.15 - The Famous Club Spiegel - Cabaret

Well this was an epic fail. We went for dinner and then made our way to the Spiegeltent in George Street, which incidentally I have to ask which arsehole thought it would be a good idea to close off half of George Street when half of Princes Street is already closed, half of York Place is closed and half of Broughton Street is closed? Seriously? You're a wanker whoever you are. Sorry... I digress... at this point we're knackered (again) and apparently the cabaret is on earlier in the evening, in fact we can hear it finishing up and it sounds amazing! The thing we have tickets for is the piano bar club night which is apparently not what was expected. Fortunately the Box Office is right next door so Gem did her bossy bit and went over to get a refund and buy new tickets for the actual cabaret on Thursday night, apparently we have a window!

Woohoo... we got to go home early! I don't mind telling you that I'm absolutely fucked now!! So this is one of the more decent photos I took of Briefs last night... I like this guy... he's pretty! *swoons* It's not the best shot I took but rather than have my first choice removed for nudity or the showing of pubes, I thought I'd be sensible for a change.

And now Gem is trying to make me watch Batman... halfway through she says that she should have made me watch Dr Who! I raised an eyebrow and now I'm shuffling off to bed.

Apparently tomorrow brings a long lie! Hurrah!

Thanks for keeping up with my festival chat... I'm aware that my reviews are probably not likely to win any prizes and I promise I'll get back to commenting when I have time to actually sit down and not have to eat my lunch on a bus in between shows!

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