Cool Clear Water

This is always found in the deepest bit and you get the double action of getting a cool tummy at the same time.

Another walkers outing.

Oh Oh Oh we had some excitement on the way home as the fire alarm siren went off just as we were coming into town so The Boss drove past our nice shiny new fire station which had the siren bit on top, and we (The Boss and Granny (acycling) stopped to watch proceedings.  We were very impressed as it was only a couple of minutes from when the first car arrived to when the Fire truck pulled out with siren screaming.
(in Extra). Our volunteer fire folk (includes a lady)  mostly attend car crashes as most folk in town are careful with fire BUT the tourists that visit us are NOT careful with driving and often get themselves and others in trouble. There have been many deaths in NZ from really bad visitor driving.

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