
By SpotsOfTime


from Gowbarrow

The heather seems to have gone over quick ... and I seem to have missed the best of it. I was thinking today how I started out on blip as Blencathragain so here she is. It was a muggy walk but nice after all that rain yesterday and after doing some more sorting this morning.
Like yesterday, blip has sent me on a funny little thinking and linking trip, Grace reminded me of Joan Didion ... I hadn't realised that a play (A Year of Magical Thinking) had been based on her book and I looked at some of the youtube clips this morning.
(Saw a red squirrel as I drove back from calling by for a cuppa at my friend's. First I've seen for what seems like a year or two).


You rise from the dinner table
And it creaks and tips under your casual weight
Which from your six feet was a casual pressure
And embracing you seem odd to the touch
A large hard man's body, the like of which I never had
You are about to become and be, and wade
Through the amazing soup of life.

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