Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

On test

The lawn got mowed, C. and C.'s house checked and two clocks assembled.  The nearest in the shot is from a Vienna regulator and the other is from the Chinoiserie clock I blipped yesterday.  The grandchildren also called for tea and cake.  There was no bell ringing this morning as it was a group service in another village.  We had an enthusiastic newcomer last week up the tower who broke the stay on the bell I usually ring. It is repaired now. I will forgive him as it is getting harder to find new ringers!  A piece on the BBC this morning lamented the apparent decline of this English tradition, citing the fact that young people have so many other activities to choose from.  It also takes time and commitment but is excellent physical and mental exercise.  Any local tower will welcome newcomers and no religious affiliation is required; in fact, most ringers are not churchgoers.  It is very friendly and someone said it is beginning to be seen as cool though I doubt that.  Still it would be a shame if the bells in this country fell silent so why not have a go?

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