Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Water day

I had an important meeting this afternoon out at the Gyle. I think it went well but if anything comes of it I think I'll still be turning it down.

By the time I got home I was craving the outdoors. I wanted to sit in the sun, swim in some water and just escape. I couldn't so I went and sat on the canal, I dangled my legs over the moorings and dipped my toes in the water. I could have left my camera on the side and jumped straight in.

A little while after going back to the flat I got a call asking if I fancied a trip to the reservoir! Yes! It was a beautiful evening at the reservoir (I really want to call it a lake) most of the anglers had gone home and we got to swim in relative peace. Unfortunately just as the sun went down and it got chilly, out came the midges, not exactly what you want when you're trying to get dressed.

Something about this shot really struck me and no matter how much I wanted to use other shots I kept coming back to this one.

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