My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Kayak Polo?

No idea what you'd call this sport... a bit like water polo but played in kayaks!

This was taking place on the lake in Danson Park when we went for a walk this morning.

We were up early as Baby L has had a bit of an upset tummy over the last 24 hours and has needed many nappy and outfit changes. The washing machine was on at around 5:45am today! She doesn't seem unhappy and is eating well. She is drinking lots too, keeping hydrated. Things seem less dramatic and less often today, which is good.

We heard late last night that a friend's daughter has suspected chickenpox. They were here on Friday afternoon for a couple of hours... so we will be watching Baby L for signs and symptoms over the next 10-21 days (according to the NHS website). We'll know within the next 48 hours whether it is chickenpox or not.

Don't know whether it will be a good thing to get it out of the way early or whether 7 1/2 months old is a bit too early. Time will tell; nothing we can do to prevent it now if she has caught it.

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