Sally Hart

By rosiecatwoman

Chavo sleeps and sleeps !

woman's equality party.  Here's a link to the home page. I joined easily on-line, so get regular updates on activities. There's another link below on the much needed campaign to challenge ( change) the fashion industry. 
So take a mo to look dearies be you male or female. 
Many years ago I remember giving a story book to a young friend : ' The Cat that Sleeps'.  Chavo is just that except at 3am !. So as you've not seen my pal for some time, here he is , in all his sleeping glory !. Note the tail please and the cushion on his chair : he's learning to read !.

Take a mo to open the link below

one size fits all See the link to the Women's Equality Party campaign to transform the fashion industry. 'Bout time eh!! 

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