Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR


I left the house about 8:30 this morning to drive to Steamboat Springs..2 hours away..mostly to visit my friend Sandy but also just to do something different than hiking or looking at my hubby and dog!  Just kidding there!  I also had to do some grocery and supply shopping.

As I was driving on the dirt road (which is 6 miles to the paved highway which is in Wyoming, even though I am in Colorado), a doe  mule deer (mule because of the large ears)  jumped a fence and ran into the road where she stopped.  I slowed down as I knew she probably had a baby and sure enough, it was on the other side of the fence looking for a hole to crawl through.  

When it got on the road, it proceeded to start its "hopping" run to its mom..and I was ready!   This all happened in less than a minute!  But catching this little creature in mid jump with the camera on auto shooting out the car window,  just made my day!   Not the best photo as far as sharp and composition but I think it shows how they hop.

The photo of the mama is in the extras.

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