Crazy About Birds

By Kimb

Sweet Peeps Farm

In the middle of a flurry of preparation for our departure tomorrow morning - heading for Chincoteague Island and the beach on Assateague - I drove out to Sweet Peeps Farm to see the place where #2 Son has been house/pet/livestock/farm sitting for the past week or so. While I was poking around admiring the place, I took a few snaps of the turkey and the gang of chickens. One of which will now serve as today's emergency brilliant blip. #2 Son will be caring for this place until the first of the week, and then he'll move to our place to *mind the store* until we get back on the 18th.

I can't decide whether to turn off comments or not. I do know I won't be spending much - if any - time commenting or even looking at blips. That is, unless Hermine, who is currently stalled in the Atlantic off the coast of Virginia, stays there and gives us rain for a solid week. In that case, I may well spend a good deal of time online! All I know right now is, we're going to be driving into rain tomorrow. I just hope the road/bridge over to the island isn't flooded!

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