Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Tour of the Borders Church of Cycling

There is a quote:

“Cycling is like church. Many attend, but few understand.” - Jim Burlant

Looking at the picture, it doesn't seem to apply anymore.

It is windy, and that has put quite a few people off. I find it easy to ride in a group for the first part down through Stobo, Dreva, an easy climb, to Talla Reservoir. The group I'm in splits up as we climb Talla Linn, partly wind assisted. Part of the descent is a deneutralised zone due to two serious incidents last year. After a cattle grid, we're being timed again.

There's a long descent Megget Reservoir before we're on the rolling road passing St. Mary's Loch to the Gordon Arms. We tun right up Berrybush. There's quite a few riders behind me, and the all overtake me on the descent to Crosslee. We turn left and we are blown along B7009 towards Ettrickbridge.

At Kirkhope, just before Ettrickbridge, we turn left. This is the penultimate climb, the Swire, or Witcheyknowe. A timed climb. I let a few enthusiastic cyclists pass me at the start. However, they soon tire, and I pass them. I take my time on the descent, allowing some cyclists to pass me. However, I know the ride back to the Gordons Arms will be into the wind, and I also know there is on official and one unofficial climb to come.

Back on the A708 at Yarrow, a group of three of us work together as we head in to the wind. It's not helped by the fact that it is also a long and very shallow climb to Mountbengerburn.

At Gordon Arms, we turn right on to the final official climb, Paddyslacks. The two riders I'm with drop back. For once on this ride, there is no side wind, and the climb is nice. At the top, the descent to Trquair is also very nice. The worst bumpy bit of the road has been resurfaced in places. In not time, I'm at Traquair.

The final part is on the B7062. I'm with two riders who passed me on the descent of Berrybush. I know this road very well, and I encourage them to ride on the right hand side of the road as I know this bit was resurfaced a couple of years ago. As we pass through Cardrona, I take to the front. this is because I know there is a climb up to Kailzie. I lose these two riders, and catch up with two others. I stay with them as we follow the road back in to Peebles. At the road bridge, I overtake them. As we turn in to the high street, the finish straight, I notice three riders in front. Keen on giving a good finish, I sprint past them to the finish line.

Once I cross the line, its time to slo down and head down to the Green. Immediate need is to go get a coffee and cake. I deserve it. My official time is 3:56:30, 76th place out of 1,153. My time up Witcheyknowe is 08:41, 57th. Quite chuffed. All I have to do now is wait for my friends.

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