
Today Dolly went to the 'hairdresser'. I brought her appointment forward a few days as I felt she desperately needed it after our long journey. I just love the look of her ears when she's been freshly groomed. So smooth and silky.

While she was at the groomers I dashed up to the airport with my 'Union hat' on. The airline I work for was in the news today - an incident early this morning of severe turbulence on a flight inbound to Heathrow and a diversion to Shannon. Now several hours later the passengers and some of the crew were returning to Heathrow on another flight. Another Union officer and I made sure we were there to offer any support to our colleagues.

No details necessary, but I will say this: Turbulence is categorised as mild, moderate and severe. In over 30 years of being a Flight Attendant, I've never experienced severe turbulence. BUT - we always make an announcement about the importance of having your seatbelt on whenever you are seated. When you fly, by all means get up and walk around if you need to. But turbulence can hit at any time - not just when there are storms. What we call 'Clear Air Turbulence' is the most dangerous because it is unexpected and not storm related. So keep that seatbelt on when you're in your seat! And if the seatbelt sign does go on, it's for a very good reason! Storms or reports of turbulence from aircraft ahead.

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