Aperture on Life

By SheenaghMclaren

Violet Ground Beetle

Look what was hiding under the door mat!

The Violet Ground Beetle, Carabus violaceus, is quite a common beetle and one of the largest in the UK at roughly 3cm. I'm pleased to see it. It's dietary habits might help me out and I hope it's got a partner hiding somewhere nearby. Both the adults and their larvae are voracious and rather fond of dinners consisting mostly of slugs and snails. They will also eat worms and other insects. They are nocturnal and rest throughout the day under rocks, in holes and this one chose my doormat.
The young look rather like oversized black centipedes but have only 6 front legs.

As protection they can spray an irritant acid from their abdomens. This one wasn't too happy and gave me a little blast as it crawled up my arm. It itched for a couple of minutes but is harmless to humans and isn't unduly upsetting.

They hibernate during the winter and it isn't uncommon to find them hiding in your garden shed.

Have had another busy day. I was going to give you a blip of the inside of my hive as I opened it up to check the bees were all well and give them some sugar syrup. I't still a young colony but they are multiplying well, considering the appalling weather.
Unfortunately, there won't be any honey from them this year as they'll need their own stores and all the help I can give them to get through the winter.

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