Rural Scene

I'm a bit of a sucker for rural scenes, so this one taken from the ferry at Portaferry has to be my blip.  
I guess I should have put one of Newgrange which we visited this afternoon, a few images in my blog .
Its been a bad day, perhaps better described as not the best of days.  We got ourselves out of Belfast easy enough, and took the coast road down to Portaferry, where we caught another ferry over a small stretch of water.  This is the fourth ferry crossing we have done in Ireland.
The town of Downpatrick proved to be challenging to get through and find the right road out the other side,  even after twice asking folk how to get out of their town.
Mostly the signs have been OK, but today they were very confusing.  We wasted quite a lot of time getting onto the right road, and ended up on the slower coast road for a time, and finally came to the motorway, which then put us on the M1 (faster).  
Looking for a turnoff to Newgrange was easy, although not sign posted, but a town nearby was mentioned.  Another lost moment followed!!
However, finally we arrived at Newgrange, buses and cars galore *sigh*.  We went to the Visitors Centre to be told that we had just missed the tour and would have to wait another 90 that time it was almost "throwing the toys out of the cot" moment.  Keeping calm, we went and had a late lunch and a wander around the centre.  People everywhere.
Finally, our turn for the bus arrived, and even then Doug was put on another bus.  Arrive we did (both of us) and joined a lovely lady who talked about these sites and what they think may have happened all those years ago.  
These sites are 500 years older the pyramids and 1000 years older than Stonehenge she said - who am I to argue.  Its white round stone walls topped in a grass dome look otherworldly, incredible really, but underneath lies the finest Stone Age passage tomb in Ireland. It dates from around 3200BC and left me wondering about many things that she said. I did love the megalithic rock carvings.


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