Bandaged tower

They have been doing some maintenance on the tower behind our house, involving "bandaging" it, and painting bits of it pink.  Rather liked the sky and the sun on it this evening, whilst walking the dog.

I've had 2 close calls today, involving cyclists.  On the way to work, I had to brake sharply to avoid a car that was rather injudiciously overtaking a cyclist approaching a roundabout.  I would blame the car driver entirely, BUT there is a cycle path, and in order to create said cycle path, they narrowed the road - so why was the cyclist on the road?

Then, on the way home, a speeding cyclist cut the corner on a right turn, cutting across my path as I approached the junction - if I'd been going any faster, he would have been wiped out.  I always treat cyclists with respect and am happy to give them plenty of road room - it's a pity some of them abuse this, giving all cyclists a bad name. 

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