shotlandka's weebig world

By shotlandka


The piping world has arrived in Glasgow! These guys are called Drums and Roses, and are part of the Cowal Pipe Band when not playing as a four piece. The guy with the four drums was having a bit of a nightmare, and dropped his drumsticks several times!

Apologies for the lack of blipping recently, call it an Olympic obsession, but as I don't have a proper TV aerial I watch TV on my laptop, and doing too much work on photos means my not in the first flush of youth laptop starts objecting and the picture freezes and jumps, bizarrely sometimes at the same time! I personally blame my mother (hi Mum!), who was a PE teacher in her working life, and instilled in my a great love of a very wide variety of sports, though I think to be fair her parents had something to do with it too. I remember watching everything from windsurfing to snooker with my Gran, who was one of the few women of her generation to get Sky TV so she could get the sports channels once she wasn't able to get out so much! I have been particularly enjoying the gymnastics, the athletics, the tennis, the sailing, the equestrian sport and the cycling, not to mention bits of hockey, badminton, triathlon... easier to say I'm not a big fan of boxing, but pretty much anything else is worth watching! But I thought it was getting ridiculous, so have timed photo processing with the punditry while watching the athletics today! Back blips are all in place, starting here.

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