Black leg

Little dogs went for her second vaccination at the vets this morning. I went for my first physio shortly afterwards.  Little Dog shook more than me.  In between times, we had a wander out and spotted this instar (learning new lingo!) shieldbug - maybe a common green one.

The physio can't work out exactly which muscle is damaged but says the treatment is the same whichever. She doesn't think the damage is huge and reckons the big bruise is more about me bruising easily which was the vocabulary I was hoping for.  So, for now, it's strapped up with black tape (of course I didn't choose pink although bright blue was close) and I can start doing stretches over the weekend.  Looking like Contador although he still seems to be pedalling!

Thankfully, a week of almost (now completely) enforced bike rest was coming up anyway and I've booked more physio and a bike fit after that to check my whole set up.  

I'm now concerned it'll just happen all over again and seem to be spotting cyclists out everywhere.  Must get a grip!

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