Alice Austen House

The morning began with a stupendous breakfast around a large circular table, chatting with other guests (all American) and Danuta, the Polish lady who runs the beautiful Victorian B&B where I'm staying on Staten Island.

After breakfast, I caught a bus and then the Staten Island Train to the Alice Austen House Museum (main blip). I admit that I had never heard of Alice before, but now I think I'm half in love with her. Her house was built in the 17th c and looks out over the Hudson River. I was shown around by two very enthusiastic volunteer guides called Bonnie Jean and Jerry, who were delighted to hear that I was from Scotland (as is everybody I meet!).

In the afternoon I took the Statue Cruise boat out to Liberty Island and then on to Ellis Island, to the recently-restored immigration centre which is now a fascinating and very moving museum. It took several hours to see all the exhibits and to walk around outside and it was getting dark by the time I caught the ferry back to Staten Island and then the bus "home".

A short film about Alice Austen

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