My Mini Adventure

By JJ46


I took Baby L for weighing this morning at the clinic... first time since we started weaning. She's not gained as much as they hoped so I got a bit of a lecture from the health visitor.

Not sure what else to do... As far as we can tell, she is eating until she is full (3 mushy meals + breastfeeding each day) and moving all the time, burning off those calories. She is happy and is into everything. At the moment we're not too worried but will keep an eye on things.

She's making a new sound too over the last few days: "ning, nen, neng" on repeat! Very cute.

Lunch with the nct group girls and babies today - Joe's Kitchen in Bromley. Yummy chorizo pan hash with a fruit/veg smoothie to accompany it. Delicious!

It was good to see everyone and talk over our day to day issues, including my visit to the clinic this morning, as well as Baby L's sleep habits. Last night was better, incidentally, just the two, short wake-ups. I have felt more human today.

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