
By rubyjones

Strange days.

So it started with a red lipstick, pink lipstick dilemma, not one I normally have, but needed some armour against talking to a boy I've just made myself look like a cock in front of (quite a good trick at parties incidentally).
Both. One layer of red. One layer of pink.

Then saw the boy. Turns out I own this fucking situation. Fuck yeah.
FUCK YEAH! Was funny too. I may not be thin or pretty, but I can make you snot from your nose. On occasion.

A few texts with the boy (who'll never consent to snog me, damn. Just a bloody SNOG!) Which I obvs win the cleverer than thou award.

Then the actual awards we go for up here.
I got 7 nominations. Fucking count them!

A very strange day. A very satisfying day.

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