Life as it happens:)

By Bushbaby76


Quite simply ridiculous,that is what I am. I spent all night last night watching Jay sleep convinced he was poorly... well my irrational me was convinced the sleep deprived me.
The rational mum of 4 knew he was perfectly well.... still I took a trip to the doctors for a reassuring check over!
Of cause he's fine and fighting fit.
I'm not sure what causes this completely idiotic feeling in me... maybe the sad news about Gary Barlow .. maybe the local drunk announcing her pregnancy weeks after her 10 week old baby passed away in terrible circumstances who knows?
All I know is I'm now exhausted x

Had a productive afternoon made 2 necklaces..2 bracelets and a pair of earrings!
Now to prepare the dinner... bath 3 boys and myself then collapse into bed

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