
By CharlotteJ

Its all about time!

I woke at 2:53am to be precise…I tossed and turned until 3:32 (to be precise).  I moved to the other bedroom…at 4am I decided I was  awake beyond awake so did what was best…I started my day!  At 6am I had made good progress with work, boiled eggs for Chris’s egg mayo roll and made his lunch in good wife style, neatened the kitchen, put the dishwasher on and was planning the next ‘to do’ list whilst wondering what the heck happened to the sunrise.  At 8am Chris left for work.  I was happy to be working home today, not that working from home is any different to working from an office as I have my own office here in the house!  At 10:30 I took a little break for a cuppa and then continued with emails and said boring work stuff.  At 12:30 I rescued a butterfly, big green thing…. had some lunch, groomed Mills, put the washing out and got back to work.  At 4pm Chris arrived home which surprised me as I wasn't expecting him home until much later ….so we decide to ‘keep an eye’ on emails and put the first coat of paint up on our bedroom walls, that took an hour and a half, we then went for a 4 mile run whcih was rather fabby and then after I prepped dinner, took a work call, showered, made a pud, continued cooking dinner,  had a glass of wine ot two, finished dinner and now blipping……my blip is of the fairy lights that hang in the bedroom we have decided to decamp too whilst we decorate our room.  Not the sharpest of blips but it will do!  Must go eat that pud before I fall asleep!

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