TT66 - Elsie Wilson Medal for Elocution
This is my first challenge in such a long that all the excitement of weddings, holidays and job interviews is starting to ease off a bit I feel that I can renew my enthusiasm for Blipfoto again....
My entry for Tiny Tuesday with the mystery theme is this tiny silver medal I bought all the way back from was awarded to a lady called Elsie M. Wilson in 1930 from the Incorporated London Academy of Music which I believe may have been a pre-cursor to the Royal Academy of Music and this lady won this medal for my former profession was a Speech and Language Therapist, this little bit of history appealed to me a great deal....I actually bought two medals at the same antique market, both awarded to this lady but the second one was a bronze medal from 1927. I must do a little more research about it and find out a little more about this lady and who she entry for Tiny Tuesday mystery object! The extra shows the medal in its box and the bronze one next to it.
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