The Vax Saga..

If you rememeber, I went to The Range last Thursday, to buy a Vax carpet cleaner that was advertised for £99. As they hadn't been delivered, we left our details ,and they said they would phone us the next day, when they had their deliveries.  Next day came, and went and no phone call. I phoned them and they said they still hadn't had them in. We tried to order one online, by they had sold out, so I gave up. We had a phone call this morning to say they were in, and did I still want one. She said they had only had 8 in, and they had 20 on the list. We went to pick it up this morning and it was there as promised. On the way back, we made a quick detour, to Merthy Mawr, which is where I took this shot. You can see Ogmore Castle in the distance, and the teepee's on the left. It was really lovely down there this morning. As soon as we got home, we decided to give the Vax a trial run, and ended up cleaning our bedroom carpet. It was done really quickly, with no effort at all. Makes carpet cleaning so easy.

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