Feeling hot hot hot

Ferguson spent a couple of hours with Max & Bentley at the Fun Day-Po this afternoon.

Seeing the three of them playing together was really cute, they were like a trip of wild musketeers, each taking control of the team at different intervals, & quite heart-warmingly looking out for each others' welfare.

After dropping Ferguson off & on the way back home from my Mum's, ironically after torrential rain going there, my car overheated in dramatic fashion right in the middle of Oldham.

It wasn't that I noticed the gauge on my dashboard shoot up dramatically from C to H, it was the unexpected engine cutout & smoke rising from beneath my bonnet that were the tell tale signs!

2 kindly good Samaritans were my knights in shining armour & came to my rescue, helping me get my car off the carriage way (along with other drivers by) & filling it up with water & making sure I was ok.

I was SO unbelieveablely grateful!!
If you know a driving instructor with the black Clio with the registration PE56 XED, please thank him a hundred fold for helping me!

And also to the man who lives beside the Asian clothes shop just of the A62, who had a car knowledge & whose little girl helped me with the water.

These 2 gentlemen restored my faith of the sometimes often surpressed helpful neighborly spirit present in human nature.

Thank you....

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