Dolly and the birdies

Lewis took wee Jake to the vet to see our usual vet today! She spent a lot of time looking at him, and explains things to Lewis! The lump doesn't seem to be causing him pain, and it isn't restricting his use of the wing, so that's all good! The bad news is that the lump seems to be attached to the skin rather than being a separate lump underneath, which means there is no way to remove it! Apparently, it would leave too big an area with no skin to close it, and our vet said they would not consider attempting to remove it, and it is also very unlikely the person they were going to refer us to would remove it either! I trust our own vet, she is very knowledgable on exotics, if she says it can't be done, then it can't! We will be keeping a very close eye on him, but he will have the best life he can for as long as possible!

If you look closely at this picture you can see the lump in the crook of his wing!

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