To sew a quilt you need good eyesight
You need good eyesight for this and this lady was in a doorway to her house using the natural light.
Quilts in India are usually stuffed with kapok which comes from a 200 foot giant of a tree. The fibres cover the seeds in the huge pods produced from evil smelling pink and white flowers which are visited by bats which pollinate them. The lightweight wood from the trees is often used for carving, canoes and coffins, the seeds produce oil, medicine is made from leaves and bark and fibres are used for mattresses, pillows and quilts. There is a drawback to kapok though - it seems that very quickly it balls up and becomes lumpy. I have watched men who travel around re-making quilts on the ground outside a house. They spread a tarpaulin on the ground, rip open a quilt and beat the kapok with what look like giant violin bows which make the fibres spring up and get fluffy again; They then sew the kapok into the same cover and quilt it again very quickly. This lady is being very much more meticulous and that is why she needs her glasses.
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