Remarkable Trees

This one is called a "Monkey Conifer". I thought the tree was alive, there were so many monkeys hiding inside it was swaying like crazy!

There are only three days left of the term and that means three exams left for my children. Can't wait to be finished. I am busy with the term end newsletter which has a lot of things to fit in 8 pages!

Today was our end of term Staff Lunch and we went to Magalies Park. It is a recreational/holiday resort. There is still a lot of wildlife around the resort and on my way out the gate I stopped to take photos of these vervet monkeys. A little further up the road I came across some mongoose. I just love it that I can see these beautiful creatures up close!

When I got home I saw that Kiara was doing poorly. Mr G and I decided to take her to the vet. She got two injections and which should perk her up again. Luckily she is still young and is eating well so not on a big downhill yet! She is my precious little shadow and I can't imagine not cuddling up with her at night!

It is quite amazing that My One Year Ago is a beautiful photo of Kiara!

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