More Than Words


Gift of the gab

Today Alex and I went to the regional finals of the Public Schools Multicultural Speaking Awards. Alex had come through the school and district awards and he was now participating at the next level. Once the first person started her talk I saw him turn bright red and could read his mind which was saying 'help, these people are SO polished and how am up going to get through this!'. And they were very good. Lots of alpha females who were all about a foot taller than him and brimming with confidence. I felt my stomach churning. However, Alex rose to the occasion and delivered a great speech (which he wrote rather than his parents) and I think he was relieved the other contestants didn't eat him alive. They then had to give an impromptu speech about what their dreams and aspirations. Most apparently dreamt of fixing global warming (yeah right!) but Alex said he dreamt of playing cricket for Australia!!! He also said that he was not likely to achieve it and we also had to be realistic about our dreams. I thought he was great but the feedback afterwords was that he wasn't positive enough. These days we are supposed to tell children they can do anything, whatever the reality of the situation. He also said that his mother tried to get into the Olympic rowing squad and failed!!!!!! He ended up coming 3rd and came home with a 2 certificates. We went and had ice cream afterwoods, both rather relieved we wouldn't have to go to the State finals!!!

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