But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave


We walked along the Ridgeway to the “George and Dragon” at Upton for lunch before strolling back through West Hagbourne where, a few years ago, they had a collection of dragons to scare off visitors, and provide both charitable income for a Tanzanian hospital and a ready source of Blips. My understanding is that they were themed scare-crows and that this year the theme was Shakespeare. The exhibits first went on view three months ago so the only two that are left are the lad himself and the three witches. I’m impressed at the way they have survived the English summer, but then perhaps theirs was better than we experienced in Scotland.
Although we had only recently had lunch, since the church was open and serving teas and cakes, we dropped in to refuel. There wasn’t much space so we shared a table with some locals and had an interesting half hour of conversation about the two referenda of recent years. The locals’ opening gambit was, “What d’you think Nicola’s going to do now?” I resisted the temptation of replying, “Who knows, she’s both a politician and a woman” although I do rate her as a canny lass who’s keeping her cards close to her chest. It turned out that one of the locals, who provided an interesting opinion on the current “Brexit” controversy, had been in Edinburgh in the seventies sorting out a major banking crisis and so had specialised knowledge. Even so, I disagreed with him, but then I can do that with most people.

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