Kath's Journal

By Kathb

Fermoyle Beach

Took so many photographs today it is hard to choose which to blip. I have probably made the wrong choice here but I am fed up of looking at them now. I feel as though I have lost the ability to make a sensible decision.

We went to a regatta this afternoon and I have plenty of pictures of boats!  

Birds seen and photographed from the balcony this morning: curlew, egret, heron, oyster catcher, hooded crows, great black-backed gulls, herring gulls, rock pipit, starlings. 

I don't think I mentioned that I went out whale watching a few days ago. Saw minke whales ( one very close to the boat), seals and common dolphins (jumping all over the place), as well as fulmars, gannets, shearwaters, shags etc. 

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