This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

oh today...

I don't know what happened, I think I talked a lot to myself in my head. It has been a long day starting at 6am since I am not sleeping well. Last night, I fell asleep from 7-9pm and stayed awake from 9-11 and then woke up every two hours until 6.

I chatted with Stewart for a while in the morning and then again in the afternoon but in between chats I straightened up the house (who is making it dirty? I think I am just looking for busy work), organized my shoes and clothes and some drawers and papers and gave me a headache. I am still looking for my damn battery charger...(thorn in my side). Time ticked on by. I talked to my Mom for about an hour on the phone before noon.

I decided there was no time like now to just go ahead and order more supplies to make my next body of work. So, I ordered 15 more panels from the local company that makes them. I also ordered 4 vintage maps off of Etsy that I aim to use in this new series... two maps were of Scotland and one was of the states and one was of the world... I have ideas...We will see what will happen.

Later there was more organizing while listening to a lot of Polly Jean Harvey and then I thought I better check on my credit card bill and I did and it said it was overdue! Oh man... that awful feeling seeps in... as last months was late too but I do what I do, I make a payment online and then I call them and I ask them to waive the late fee and explain what happened. They are really good at fixing the unfortunate situation and well I am going to give myself some credit, I am really good at explaining things on the phone and rarely pay over due fees. Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised when I called today as she said "you are not overdue, there is no late charge, and your awesome APR of 3.9 is still the same" Wha? Super cool! So I hang up and go online and edit my payment to my credit card by half... I need that money more than they do right now.

Also, the not being able to find my battery charger for my real camera has been driving me nuts, but I dug around and at least found some fresh batteries for Stewart's old point and shoot he gave me on his first visit. And what a relief it was to take a picture that wasn't grainy via my phone. Strangely this makes me feel much better to the have the capability to take a half way decent photo (note however I didn't stray far from yesterday's subject- but look at all that color!)

It should be said that earlier I was crying and beating myself up for paying my bill "late" so to have that all resolved and find batteries as well was a welcome reprieve.

So in the end, the day wasn't a wash. I confirmed my intention to make a new series and I ordered and had the money to pay for the supplies needed. I paid an extra payment on my credit card and I organized a lot of things around my house and found a secret cache of batteries and am able to take photos...

Now if I could just find that charger....

It is amazing how I can work myself up into tears over next to nothing... But what is stranger than that is how it was all something until it just wasn't... how things can turn on a dime.

Tonight- more organizing.
(yes, I am going a little mental, but who wouldn't be)

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