
So he did not manage the golf.....

We were awoken at about 3:30 this morning by a tremendous crash as he fell over in the bathroom next door. At one point I thought he might come through the wall. He'd fallen over and cut his head quite badly, luckily Helen is a nurse and lives just round the corner so she came round and stuck his head together.

He got up late and apart from his head and his normal ailments he seemed quite cheery. We watched the Grand Prix with Alf and then it was time to say goodbye which was heartbreaking..

Thanks for the many kind words over the past few days. My Dads been ill for ages, first having heart attacks 25 years or so ago then a catalogue of ailments ever since. I read his notes the other evening, it's an amazing list of things that have failed to stop him. He has defied medical science and with the help of my ever caring mother he's packed loads into those 25 years. Now however he has Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, and they have run out of things they can do for him.  

So this weekend was important, lots of laughs and a few tears.

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