Why the long face Ziggy?

I heard about lunchtime that my lovely cousin in Australia died earlier today. She may have been a long way away, but I thought a lot of her, and also thought of her a lot. Sadly she never made it to the UK, but we stayed with her for a while in Australia when she lived in the Blue Mountains. 
Ziggy and Hector are both extremely quiet today. We think that they really miss our family being here, especially Kai as he made such a fuss of them.
Our son, Dylan, let us know mid morning that they were in the taxi heading back from Taipei Airport. The bad news was that most of their luggage was somewhere else in Asia. Kuala Lumpur they think. The journey door to door was about 27 hours (normal) but he said it had been a bit of a nightmare which was a shame. Their first flight was late, and they only just managed to catch the second flight because that was also delayed.
Kai said to me at Heathrow yesterday "Do you know, our Daddy loves us so much that he's booked 2 flights for us to get home, instead of one." 
Daddy should be in sales! 
As well as tons of housework, I've today managed to catch up with my blips of the last week or so, so please take a look. Hopefully I shall soon start commenting and replying again. Please forgive me for a virtual black-out during August, but something had to give.

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