I should have stayed in my bed this morning. or at least taken note of feeling slightly wheezy when I left the house. my name is lindsay and I'm an asthma-denier.

felt ok running from the exhibition centre down to parkrun...then gradually noticed how light-headed I felt because I was taking in too much oxygen and over compensating my breathing. terrible run: 30.05 but I did it and then ran back to the van. 9k but a horrible one. THEN! another migraine when I got home. not dehydrated but maybe the asthma/hayfever/heat...not sure.

so I recovered from that, dad came round to do some wall facing and I cut some hares for NEOS in the shed...then painted and watched films with the kids. cast away - we've watched it so many times but beth hadn't seen it and it's always a great one to watch with them. the 'well I would do this' and 'why is he going that?' chat throughout is hilarious.

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