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Started the day with bacon rolls at home then off to see Lemons lemons lemons - a very good 2 handed play about what happened to a relationship when a rule was passed restricting the number of words you're allowed to speak in a day. Dashed from there to Teatro Delusio - a mimed play about backstage life in a theatre by 3 people wearing several different masks so it appeared there was a cast of about 20. At 75 minutes it was about 60 minutes too long!
Nice salads lunch at Hula - kale and strawberry for me, plus cake! - then to Traverse to see In Fidelity, a game show format play using audience members in a first date. Although sounds weird, and I can imagine some days it wouldn't work if the audience weren't up for it, it was rather good and the final 'couple' seemed to actually like each other and be a good match.
After a drink and some nachos it was off to the Usher Hall for a full on orchestral bash. The Leipzig Gewandhausorchester playing Beethoven (here Andras Schiff at the piano for Emperor Concerto) and Mendelssohn's Scottish Symphony. Despite the notoriously uncomfy cheap seats, hit the spot.
Home for a well deserved cup of tea. 18,500 steps!

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