
By stujphoto

Concrete Footings

This is the concrete footing for a post in the middle of the salt marsh. You may well ask why did anyone want to put posts across the middle of the salt mash. They were put in during the second world war as a military defence against possible incursion by enemy gliders and they stretched right across Belhaven Bay which is a very wide expanse of flat ground that might have been attractive as a possible landing area. There are a series of footings where you can see clearly that they form a straight line going right across the bay. 

Most of the wooden posts are well rotted down and all that remains are the concrete bases which are no longer submerged. However, it is interesting to see how nature has overcome this man-made barrier through covering them with lichen and even in this case growing new formed plants in the remains of the rotting timber hole. What could have been an eyesore in this wild open place is gradually taking on the colours of plant life.

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