Tree-cycled or Ichthyo-sawed?

Whenever we wheeled Tess's Dad past the local park on the way to the pub, he would point out the 3 dead tree stumps at the park's edge and wonder why they had been cut down half way down their trunks and not removed completely.

This week we found out why: they are being up-cycled as sculptures as part of a revamp of the whole park. Tess's Dad would have approved.

This one is the first to be more or less completed and portrays the ichthyosaur fossil that is the emblem of the village. I've blipped other representations of it before.

I suspect the others will provide further blip fodder when they are finished.

A morning in the pool and an afternoon editing recent photos while listening to Yeovil lose their fourth game in a row. I knew that early season form was a false dawn. Good job I kept that Samaritans number!

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