Happy and bouncy

Yesterday Ann was really worried about me.  I was walking slower than a snail and didn't really want to do anything except sleep. But guess what?..................... Today I have been all happy and bouncy. Yay! In retrospect I think I was just too hot yesterday. Old people don't like the heat and it must be the same for old dogs. I'm 84 years old in human years!!

Today was another very hot day so Ann has spent most of it lying on her sun lounger turning into a wrinkly old prune! this afternoon I went for my walk through the fields and along the coast path. There was a lovely cool breeze so I was all happy and bouncy and did loads of running about. And do you know what?...................... Even though the paths were all bone dry I still managed to find some mud to go wallowing in. I ended up absolutely filthy so Ann took me to the 'secret rock pool' on the way home so that I could go swimming to get clean. Yay!

The only problem with today's walk was........................ some of the paths were really overgrown so I ended up with a scratched tummy and Ann ended up with scratched legs. Boohoo!

......................But who cares about scratched tummies and legs? Ann says that the most important thing is that I'm all happy and bouncy again.!!!

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