Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Cals happy

and so am I. So nice to see such a happy relaxed face as he works the sheep. I was brave with him today and didnt have hold of the long line through the fields (full of lambs) to the training sheep. Then we had a super session with him beginning to walk on and bring the sheep to me and follow me round the pen bringing the sheep. As well as coming off to me beautifully then being sent to go round the sheep again. The beginnings of his outruns. I then felt super brave and for the first time when not in a non sheep environment I took off the longline and he was free as we walked back through the fields of lambs and home. Not at any moment did he try to leave me! Nice to feel such a connection with him.

Changeover day today glad its overwith!

15c overcast all day

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