twinned with trumpton


A day out; a not untypical meander across Edinburgh through all manner of neighbourhoods; met up with her at one point as G was off sick; managed to score a mug of chicken noodle soup with added mushrooms to power me on for the afternoon. But yeah. Loads of miles clocked up; the sloth of holidays well and truly shaken off and legs getting closer to where they were.

I was supposed to get a night off but she needed shopping I'd bought and would have dropped off had I done the school run earlier, so.. into town I traipsed; brief chat but then home for 9; still no housework done, dinner still to cook and Maw phoned just to nail shut any chance of a peaceful hour of solitude.... Maybe next week...?

Yes, yes, I know, nothing new here, rehashing a reliable old staple blip; but hey. I does like a bit of mono / interference / Rileyesque pattern.

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