Wood's adventures

By Pippilongstock

V is for...


My middle name.

I've had a mixed relationship with my middle name, being openly mocked by a maths teacher for my initials at upper school led me to ask whether my parents had realised my initials when they had named me and also for me to dislike my middle name for quite a while.

Yes they had came the reply to that question. We didn't think it would matter continued the reply. It is certainly something I think about now when we are talking names!

The first thing I was asked after I graduated was why had I omitted my middle name from the certificate. (The answer for the record was just a simple didn't think that they were asking for more than first names on the form!!)

After allowing (probably for a few years) my sisters to wind me up by calling me Polly, I adopted the name when I went to Uni. And since then it has been as normal for my family to call me Polly as Pip or Pippa and certainly more normal than Philippa. And to start to like my middle name a little bit more.

So yes, the initials were PVC, marriage brings certain perks, changing initials being one of them.

In other news, the grand tidy-up continues, hence having my birth certificate to hand.

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