
It has been busy the past two days, with one or two tears, a few huffy puffs and that was just the adults lol but there has been a lot of fun and laughter ,with being chased by scary monsters running through grandma's clean washing,chasing after little tearaways when nappies need a changing,having fun in a big bubble filled bath,getting wrapped in warm soft fluffy towels wether they wanted it or not, and when the screaming monsters have had their bottoms changed,their tummies filled and noses wiped and they go home to their mummy and daddy, the kettle goes on and the bottoms are plonked onto a comfy sofa with cuppa in hand and peace resumes once more I secretly wish for them all to come back so I can play at monsters again. 
I know my story has nothing to do with the flower apart from it was the one part of this morning that I had time to walk the pups and take this pic. I wish you all a lovely sunny and happy weekend xx P.S meant to say if you look closely at the bud at the top can you guys see the face in it xx

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