No. 124: Spotted Flycatcher

Definitely not one of my best shots, but the clock is ticking on my challenge and I've been after this particular bird for quite a while now. I had a very pleasant walk this morning, getting an early start, and saw lots of birds, including this nuthatch which would have been my choice of a blip, lots of great spotted woodpeckers, pied wagtails, linnets, chiffchaffs, wrens, song and mistle thrush, kestrel, great flocks of hirundines and crows, a jay, willow warblers, chiffchaffs, blue tits, coal tits, great tits and robins. I even saw a shrew scuttling along the path, and squirrels and rabbits too. It was a bit cool and breezy for butterflies, but there were quite a few meadow browns and a few gatekeepers around.

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