First, a gloriously sunny morning, and over to the boat to check to on the water ingress. Hmmmm… it was bone dry. So perhaps it was just rain water? I think I need some of Tolley’s Creeping Crack Cure for those leaky windows. A relief. Then, it was up town to see the very wonderful ex-Bishop of Edinburgh, Richard Holloway at the book festival talking about his new tome * a must read* A Little History of Religion. What a wise, witty and enlightened man he is. Rather like me, except he does books rather than blips. And I don’t think he follows the Hearts either.
A brief couple of hours promenading along George Street followed. We spent so much in Molton Brown that we got a free gift - a luggage tag?? Eventually up for a quick (very quick, too quick) plate of hot meze before meeting MrT and S.Sadie for a swifty in Thomson’s and onward perambulation to ‘Everything that Gives Off Light’ at the EICC. Quite magic at the beginning (and end) it could do with a bit of editing in the middle bit. Severe editing.
And then - to the diggers - it’s amazing what a crowd will gather at the prospect of a free birthday drink. Did I mention that it’ll shortly be my birthday? What’ll you have?

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