Horizon 8

I have to say that I didn't take this today ...but I have been working on it on and off as I have been playing Nurse Ratchett to a very sick girl.
The boy is better now and is going crazy...myself a little under the weather but touch wood it hasn't taken hold on me like it has poor Jaiya....I cant remember seeing her so sick.....so its been busy.
I did manage to take one shot today but it was so uninteresting that I thought I binned it.
Still not much to report.... and still blasting on one dodgy cylinder.
I have been dreaming of taking the kids right up the coast to a most beautiful and remote part of Australia to start afresh...a new adventure....I think it would be rather exciting......however there is much opposition from the family....and I guess quite rightly so.
Still hunting for our new home.

“There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends. I have no notion of loving people by halves, it is not my nature.”
― Jane Austen

AN: Does anyone know what has happened to the text thingamijigs?....I can seem to make my quote italic.

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