HAPPY BIRTHDAY my "Old and Faithful" Voitto <3

Thank You all Your lovely comments according to Yesterday's Blip. Thank You. I really appreciate all Your words.


We have travelled in this life together 11 years. We have had wonderful journey.
My best Friend - always together. He knows alllll my secrets, he knows my worries, we have cried together and we have laughed together.
He knows all about me and still after this all is my Friend in my daily life and OF COURSE - WE SHARE MUCH JOY.
He is always full of Joy and always in the good mood.  If I have sorrows - he surely try to keep me up :) We don't need words.

I'll hope from my heart that we have many years still together.
All my dogs have been "dogs of my life", but maybe Voitto will always be Top 1. I love You <3

We have had amazing journey. So amazing. Voitto is absolutely my best model and won everything in photoworld, what amateur phototographer - " and just for fun" - can win.

Thank You Voitto - grateful to have You. We are couple - soulmates  :)

Picture is taken few minutes ago. He is just as handsome as He is in this picture :) <3

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